Changes were made to the legislation to assist certain temporary and provisional visa holders, including individuals who are on a pathway to permanent residence, who have been disadvantaged by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as border closures, restrictions imposed on businesses and the general economic downturn since 1 February 2020. The end date for these concessions will be advised in a later date.

A summary if the main changes are:
Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa
Applications can be made outside of Australia
The deadline to lodge the visa was extended from six to twelve months from the date the applicant meets the Australian Study Requirement for applicants prevented from returning during all or part of the period from 1 February 2020 to 19 September 2020
The visa period will run from the date of entry to Australia
Subclass 887 (Skilled – Regional) visas*
Applications can be made outside of Australia
Concession toward the requirement to live for two years in a specified regional area
Reduce the requirement for full-time work in a specified regional area from 12 months to nine months
There were also concessions on Subclass 888 (Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent)) and Subclass 790 (Safe Haven Enterprise) visas.
*This visa is the permanent residency pathway for 489 regional visa and other former visas)
